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The basketball fundamentals: a basketball drills collection

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After the success of the first book “PRACTICE TO BEAT THE BEST” we decided to make a new volume talking about the Basketball Fudamen-tals. The difference with the first book that it was a complete basketball manual it is that in this one we are going to give you a collection of drills just to improve the fundamentals of your players.

With the help of and of my friend Enrico Petrucci I will try to bring in this book my basketball knowledge of drills, I collected those during my professional career around many countries where I met diffe- rent basketball cultures and ideas, my goal is to give you more so-lutions for your practice plans.

In this volume you will find a mix of drills that can be used both for the workout of the single player or for any type of team, each exercise can be used for the warm up of your training, so in the beginning of your practice plan, or to train any fundamental of the offense and defense. All the drills on the court has been reproduced on diagrams with their own description, in addition, many exercises of the list has a QR code and through that one you can have the access to the video of the drill with your mobile phone.


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